Economic results of cow-calf herds

MICHALIČKOVÁ, M., KRUPOVÁ, Z., KRUPA, E. & SVITÁKOVÁ, A. Ekonomické výsledky chovu krav bez tržní produkce mléka. Náš chov, 2014, roč. 74, č. 5, s. 41-43.{INTLINK}
MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, KRUPA, Emil and SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena. Economic results of cow-calf herds. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(5), p. 41-43. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link14038.pdf

The main production and economic traits of cow-calf system in Slovakia within the year 2006-2011 were analysed. Average production parameters of the 32 farms evaluated in the economic database of RIAP Nitra for the analysed period were as follows: 87 heads of suckler cows per farm, 78 live born calves per 100 cows; average age of cows at first calving 1074 days, calving interval 431 days and 3.1 calvings per cow. In the herds, the spring calving of cows and seasonal breeding with using the natural mating, were realized. Feed costs (44%) were the most important costs item in calculation formula. Average loss (630 € per cow and year) achieved during the analysed period was determined mainly by the herd fertility. This fact was probably based on the deteriorating of reproductive performance with increasing age of cows (culling rate of cows was 15-18 % in analysed herds). The loss was related also to the declined value of revenues of calves (-29 %) which were mainly influenced by lower value of average daily gain of calves (-24 %). Moreover, the market price of calves decreased by 22 % during the mentioned period had a negative impact on revenues as well. Above mentioned conclusions show that the economics of suckler cows is built on high fertility, daily gains of calves, low costs and adequate realization prices