Evaluation of the Economic Efficiency of Selected Housing Systems in Sow Breeding

SYRŮČEK, Jan, WEISBAUEROVÁ, Eva, NEVRKLA, Pavel, HADAŠ, Zdeněk, LUSTYKOVÁ, Alena, ROZKOT, Miroslav and TRUNĚČKOVÁ, Jana. Evaluation of the Economic Efficiency of Selected Housing Systems in Sow Breeding. Research in Pig Breeding, 2024, vol. 18(1), p. 16-22. ISSN 1802-7547.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
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The Czech Republic is one of the countries where pork is the most consumed meat, but domestic demand cannot be covered by domestic production and therefore more than half of pork consumption is imported. One of the reasons for this is the unsatisfactory economic situation, where in most of the past few years the pig breeding sector has made a loss on average, excluding subsidies. In addition to farm gate and input prices, a number of factors affect the profitability of farming, including the sow housing system. On the basis of our own experiment, it was found that in the free-farrowing system compared to the cage and combined housing systems, weight gains were higher (economic benefit of CZK 750 and 450 per sow per year, respectively), but the losses of piglets to weaning were higher, especially due to crushing (economic loss of CZK 193 and 113 per sow per year).