Farming Day - Calf rearing on the pillory

KLÍR, Jan, MALÁ, Gabriela, ZÁBRANSKÝ, Luboš, NOVÁK, Pavel, PRÁŠEK, Josef, SMOLA, Jiří a SYRŮČEK, Jan., 2021 Farming Day - Calf rearing on the pillory. In Uspořádání workshopu. Online: 2021-11-30, s. . ISSN
CathegoryConference or workshop organization
Internal link21217.pdf

The principles of successful calf rearing are to ensure an adequate level of feeding and nutrition, a quality of breeding environment and animal health. The lecturers and content of papers were selected to cover all important areas of calf rearing during the milk nutrition period. Lectures were presented focused on the evaluation of various ways of calves housing during the milk nutrition period, colostrum management, calves feeding and watering, including the possibility of supplementing feed rations with prebiotics and probiotics, balancing nutrients and organic matter. Furthermore, the importance of adhering to the principles of good husbandry practice, including the principles of biosecurity and maintaining a high level of hygiene in calf housing as a basis for preventing and maintaining good health and adequate levels of calves welfare and reducing the risk of antimicrobial resistance development. These contributions were followed by the issue of diarrheal diseases with emphasis on the diagnosis of agents, therapy, prevention and prophylaxis (vaccination) in relation to achieving immunological uniformity of the herd as a tool for calf health management and resulting in economic analysis of calf rearing.