Seminar Proceedings Generation after generation:Selective breeding of farm animals on the occasion of the 90th birth of Prof. Václav Jakubec, DrSc.

ZAVADILOVÁ l., 2020 Seminar Proceedings Generation after generation:Selective breeding of farm animals on the occasion of the 90th birth of Prof. Václav Jakubec, DrSc.. In Uspořádání semináře. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby v.v.i., s. . ISSN 978-80-7403-236-3
CathegoryConference or workshop organization
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The proceedings include topics dealing with the breeding of dairy cattle to increase disease resistance, livestock population diversity, genetic polymorphism, inbreeding and imputation of microsatellite markers, beef cattle breeding and the breeding for increasing fertility in sheep. Reproductive and metabolic disorders, claw disorders and lameness, congenital effects were evaluated in cattle. Inbred depression and the occurrence of the Insect bite hypersensitivity were analysed in horses. The genetic diversity of populations was evaluated in Czech Red cattle and Czech Pied cattle and local horse populations in Slovakia. The possibility of using genetic polymorphism to increase milk quality and imputation of microsatellite markers from SNP genotypes to verify the pedigree of cattle was introduced. The results of the current research of beef cattle breeding in the Czech Republic are summarised.