Genetic evaluation of show jumping and linear description of sport horses in the Czech Republic

NOVOTNÁ, Alexandra a SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena., 2022 Genetic evaluation of show jumping and linear description of sport horses in the Czech Republic. In Příspěvek J.G.Mendela ke šlechtění hospodářských zvířat. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, oddělení genetiky a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat, s. 10-14. ISSN
Internal link22038.pdf

This study deals with the genetic evaluation of sport horses in the Czech Republic. As the underlying data were used show jumping competitions results for the period 1995 – 2021 and linear profiling evaluation of warmblood horses for the period 1996 – 2021. The pedigree database was used to create of the relationship matrix. Genetic evaluation was calculated first for show jumping performance and then separately for linear profiling. For show jumping performance the results show that it is appropriate to predict breeding values with multitrait model. It has been found that the genetic value of a horse increases with increasing difficulty of competition. For the linear profiling, 22 traits and 4 measured traits were evaluated. A single trait model was used for the estimation of heritabilities while two trait animal model was applied for the estimation of variances and covariances between all traits. The estimated genetic parameters suggest that a linear profiling is a valuable tool for evaluation conformation. The selection program of sport horses in the Czech Republic may include a genetic evaluation of show jumping performance and a linear profiling.