Horses’ (Equus caballus) Ability to Solve Visible but Not Invisible Displacement Tasks Is Associated With Frustration Behavior and Heart Rate

RORVANG, Maria Vilain, NIČOVÁ, Klára, SASSNER, Hanna and NAWROTH, Christian. Horses’ (Equus caballus) Ability to Solve Visible but Not Invisible Displacement Tasks Is Associated With Frustration Behavior and Heart Rate. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2021, 15, Article 792035. ISSN 1662-5153.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
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In the daily management routines, horses can be faced with novel and sudden stimuli or objects (re-)appearing that potentially may elicit stress responses. We here show that horses are able to solve visible transposition tasks, but not invisible tasks. These results may help us to better understand how horses perceive their environment.