Immunological and microbiological quality of colostrum and the level of colostral immunity of calves in dairy herds in the Czech Republic

STANĚK, Stanislav., 2017 Immunological and microbiological quality of colostrum and the level of colostral immunity of calves in dairy herds in the Czech Republic. In Pořádání semináře. Krásná Hora nad Vltavou: Česká technologická platforma pro zemědělství, Výzkumný ústav veterinárního lékařství, v.v.i. a Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN
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For breeders of dairy cattle a seminar dedicated to calf rearing management was organized. At the beginning the participants were acquainted with ZD Krásná Hora nad Vltavou – Ing. Zelenka. The news from the Association of Breeders of Czech Fleckvieh Cattle was also presented. A lecture on milk nutrition of calves by Ing. Pavel Koukal from Mikrop Čebín followed as the next point of the program. The results of the evaluation of immunological and microbiological quality of colostrum in Czech dairy herds were presented by Ing. Stanislav Staněk, Ph.D. from the Institute of Animal Science. It was found that 77.4 % of 1381 colostrum samples evaluated met the requirement for immunological quality, i. e. above 50 g/L of IgG. The breeders were also informed about the factors, which can positively or negatively influence the immunological quality of colostrum (parity, the time between calving and first milking and so on.) The differences in the colostrum quality estimation using different types of refractometers were shown. Very poor results of microbiological evaluation of colostrum quality were also summarized – more than 70 % of tested samples significantly exceeded the required limits for the total plate count. In the last part of the lecture, breeders were informed about the possibility of quick control of zoohygiene of colostrum feeding.