Influence of an increased content of pea and yellow lupin protein in the diet of pigs on meat quality
Year | 2021 |
Cathegory | Scientific publication in impacted journals |
Internal link | 21225.pdf |
Abstract | The aim of the study was to test the effect of replacing soya beans with pea and yellow lupin seeds in the diet of pigs on meat quality. The meat for the tests was obtained from 60 fattening crossbred pigs F1 (Polish Large White × Polish Landrace) × F1 (Pietrain × Duroc). The animals belonged to three feeding groups depending on the feed used with the total share of soybeans and its reduction. Water holding capacity, colour, and tenderness were measured and visual and tactile evaluation (colour, marbling and firmness) was performed for meat samples collected from the longissimus lumborum muscle. The chemical composition of the meat and the content of minerals were determined. The content of amino acids, fatty acids and cholesterol was determined. Replacing soya bean protein in the pigs’ diet with legume protein (peas and yellow lupin) did not adversely affect meat quality. This applies to both the physicochemical characteristics, the basic composition and the fatty acid profile. The meat of fattening pigs fed with the highest proportion of pea and lupin in the ration was characterized by more favourable proportion of essential amino acids. |
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