The intensity of growth of Holstein heifers and subsequent performance

KRPÁLKOVÁ, L. & ŠTÍPKOVÁ, M. Intenzita růstu holštýnských jalovic a následná výkonnost. Náš chov, 2014, roč. 74, č. 3, s. 19-24.{INTLINK}
KRPÁLKOVÁ, Lenka and ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava. The intensity of growth of Holstein heifers and subsequent performance. : , 2014, p. ISBN 0027-8068
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link14046.pdf

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of body condition score, body weight, average daily weight gain and age at the first calving of Holstein heifers on production and reproduction parameters in the 3 subsequent lactations. The data set consisted of 780 Holstein heifers calved at 2 dairy farms in the Czech Republic from 2007 to 2011. The highest milk yield in the first lactation was found in the group with medium ADG (5 to 14 mo of age, 0.949 to 0.850 kg/d ADG). The highest average milk yield over lifetime performance was detected in heifers with the highest total ADG (≥ 0.950 kg/d). We concluded that low AFC ≤ 699 d did not show a negative impact on subsequent production and reproduction parameters. Therefore, a shorter rearing period is recommended for dairy herds with suitable management.