How is it possible to reduce antimicrobial resistance in calf rearing?

NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela a PRÁŠEK, Josef., 2021 How is it possible to reduce antimicrobial resistance in calf rearing?. In Farmářský den - odchov telat na pranýři. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i. a Česká technologická platforma pro zemědělství, s. 18-19. ISSN
Internal link21147.pdf

The paper is focused on the importance of prevention, prophylaxis and biosecurity during calf rearing as an important part of antimicrobial consumption reduction strategy. The work is based on the analysis of our and foreign professional literary sources and especially on the practical experience of the authors. The basic preconditions for rearing healthy calves are vaccination of high-pregnant heifers and cows, colostrum management, feeding optimization, improving the quality of the breeding environment, technological systems including compliance with the principles of biosecurity.