Is it possible to apply the principles of biosecurity on sheep farms?

MALÁ, G. & NOVÁK, P. Je možno v chovech ovcí uplatnit zásady biosekurity?. Náš chov, 2011, roč. 71, č. 12, s. 75-78.{INTLINK}
MALÁ, Gabriela and NOVÁK, Pavel. Is it possible to apply the principles of biosecurity on sheep farms?. Náš chov, 2011, vol. 71(12), p. 75-78. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link11141.pdf

The aim of our work was to assess the main way of complex preventive measures to minimise the potential disease-causing microorganisms in 41 sheep farms with emphasis on animal health and product quality. There was collected and analysed a complex of preventive measures designed to prevent the penetration of infectious agents into animals by persons, animals, technological systems and equipment, transport, and the point of farm sanitation was also taken into consideration. Biosecurity is an integral part of health herd management. The degree of veterinary hygienic protection depends on the concentration of the parent herd of sheep, the disease situation in the locality, as well as the level of immunity of the organism of animals kept on the site. Adequate hygienic level of breed is the presumption of achieving the high level of production and reproduction parameters of the sheep and the economical rentability for the stockman.