Combinatory effect of gentamicin and zinc pyrithion towards Streptococcus and Staphylococcus spp.

SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva, LALOUČKOVÁ, Klára a MALÁ, Lucie., 2021 Combinatory effect of gentamicin and zinc pyrithion towards Streptococcus and Staphylococcus spp.. In Aktuální poznatky ve výživě a zdraví zvířat a bezpečnosti produktů 2021. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., s. 18-23. ISSN
Internal link21103.pdf

The objective of the study was to evaluate antimicrobial interactions between gentamicin (GEN) and zinc pyrithion (ZnP) against Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus strains. In vitro antimicrobial effect of GEN and ZnP was evaluated towards 7 strains of S. aureus, 2 strains of Str. agalactiae and one strain of Str. dysgalactiae by broth checkerboard method. Results show synergistic effect against three S. aureus strains (all were methicillin-sensitive strains) at one concentration of tested substances. In Str. agalactiae, both tested strains showed synergistic effect (at three and two concentrations, respectively). Combination of GEN and ZnP also showed synergism at three concentrations in Str. dysgalactiae.