Rabbits at the heart of the circular economy: Agri-food by-products as a key feed source

ŠUFLIARSKÝ, Peter, VOLEK, Zdeněk a ZITA, Lukáš., 2024 Rabbits at the heart of the circular economy: Agri-food by-products as a key feed source. In Symposium ODPADOVÉ FÓRUM 2024, Konference Potravinářství na cestě k udržitelnosti. Hustopeče: TVIP, s. . ISSN
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This article delves into the digestive physiology of rabbits and their unique suitability for processing agri-food by-products within a circular economy. Rabbits possess a highly efficient digestive system, particularly adapted to high-fibre diets, making them ideal candidates for feeds containing by-products such as fruit and vegetable pulp, bran, or oilseed meals. By integrating these by-products into rabbit diets, rabbit farming not only reduces feed costs, but also contributes to waste valorisation and environmental sustainability. The article discusses the challenges and opportunities in developing such feed strategies and their implications for the circular economy in European Union’s agriculture.