Feed mixture for pregnant and lactating broiler rabbit females

Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., Praha Uhříněves. Krmná směs pro březí a kojící samice brojlerových králíků. Původce vynálezu: VOLEK, Z. . Patentový spis CZ 305298 B6. (2015){INTLINK}
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Feed mixture for pregnant and lactating broiler rabbit females. Authors: VOLEK, Zdeněk.. Česká republika. Patentový spis CZ 305298 B6. 2015-06-10.
Internal link15074.pdf

The feed mixture for pregnant and lactating broiler rabbit females based on complete granulated mixture according to the present invention, contains 30 percent by weight of dried snail clover, 25 percent by weight of white lupine or 25 percent by weight of complete seeds of white lupine species Amiga containing 28 to 35 percent by weight of nitrogenous substances, 5 percent by weight of wheat pollard, 2 percent by weight of beetroot pulp, 13 percent by weight of oat, 22 percent by weight of barley, 1 percent by weight of feed supplement without anticoccidia, 1 percent by weight of ground limestone, 0.7 percent by weight of dicalciumphosphate a 0.3 percent by weight of sodium chloride, whereby 1 kg of the finished granulated feed mixture contains 89.2 to 89.4 percent by weight of dry matter, 17.6 to 18.3 percent by weight of nitrogenous substances, 26.7 to 31.6 percent by weight of neutral-detergent fibrous material, 21.4 to 21.6 percent by weight of starch, and 4.1 percent by weight of fat.