Mixed feed for laying hens

VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Mixed feed for laying hens. Authors: SKŘIVAN, Miloš, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra and ENGLMAIEROVÁ, Michaela.. Česká republika. Užitný vzor CZ 34942 U1. 2021-03-31.
CathegoryUtility patent, prototype, legal regulation, tecchnolgy
Internal link21054.pdf

The new mixed feed for hens containing wheat, maize, soybean meal, rapeseed oil, minerals, vitamins, hempseed and flaxseed increases the egg weight and the nutrient content in eggs and reduces feed consumption. The higher price of enriched eggs will ensure the efficiency of production of feed mixture and eggs. This mixed feed also improves the health of laying hens.