Feed supplement for hens on the basis of limestone

SKŘIVAN, M. Krmný doplněk pro slepice na základě vápence. 2011. Užitný vzor, CZ 22724 U1, Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví.{INTLINK}
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Feed supplement for hens on the basis of limestone. Authors: SKŘIVAN, Miloš.. Česká republika. Užitný vzor CZ 22724 U1. 2011-09-19.
CathegoryUtility patent, prototype, legal regulation, tecchnolgy
Internal link11087.pdf

Crushed limestone with size of parts from 0.5 to 2 mm as the only source of calcium from limestone does not serve to hens, because it has not been known yet, that it can be advantageous and efficient. Feed supplement for hens with size of limestone parts from 0.54 to 2 mm according to technical solution improves performance characteristics of hens during laying cycle. It increases egg production by 9 percent in hens aged 56-68 weeks and by 3 percent in hens at the beginning of laying cycle, reduces feed consumption per kg of eggs by 10 percent in hens aged 56-68 weeks and by 3 percent in hens at the beginning of laying cycle. Furthermore, it increases egg weight, eggshell thickness, calcium content in shell and albumen quality expressed by its height. The feed supplement according to the technical solution reduces the costs on production of eggs and itself represents a cheap source of calcium necessary for nutrition of hens.