Meat quality of Prestice Black-Pied and terminal crossbreed pigs
DOSTÁLOVÁ, A., KOUCKÝ, M., VALIŠ, L. & ŠIMEČKOVÁ, M. Kvalita masa přeštických prasat a finálních masných hybridů, 2011, 3 s.{INTLINK}
Year | 2011 |
Cathegory | Others |
Internal link | 11165.pdf |
Abstract | The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two breeds (Prestice Black-Pied and terminal crossbreed (BUxL)x(HxPn) and (BUxL)x(DxPn)) in the organic free-range system on performance, carcass traits, meat quality and fatty acid composition of Musculus longissimus dorsi and the back fat. In general Prestice Black-Pied pigs had similar average daily gain and lower total meat percentage of the carcass. The Prestice Black-Pied pork resulted in significantly. |
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