Have the bioclimate influence on biosecurity in farm animals breeding?

NOVÁK, P., MALÁ, G., TITTL, K. & VOKŘÁLOVÁ, J. Má bioklima vliv na biosecurity v chovech hospodářských zvířat?. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2010. Brno: ČHMU, 2010, s. 54-57.{INTLINK}
NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela, TITTL, K. a VOKŘÁLOVÁ, J., 2010 Have the bioclimate influence on biosecurity in farm animals breeding?. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2010. Brno: ČHMU, s. 54-57. ISSN
Internal link10240.pdf

The presented work is focuses on the analysis of selected aspects of relations between the biosecurity – protecting livestock against the introduction of infection and its spread on the farm and bioclimate – creating optimal conditions for breeding environment in farm animals.