Mastitis management and risks of robotic milking system

PRÁŠEK, Josef, NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela and SMOLA, Jiří. Mastitis management and risks of robotic milking system. Náš chov, 2020, vol. 80(7), p. 60-61. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
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Automatic milking systems (AMS) are becoming popular way how to produce milk. The use of robotic milking system brings advantages as decrease in hired labor costs or induvidual cow information such as milk production, milk content including mastitis monitoring data, rumination or movement activity. However, there are some risks too. One of them is higher risk of intramammary infection because of spreading of mastitis bacteria by milking robot. The aim of the study is to evaluate implementing of the complete Mastitis Management, including data analysis, culturing of cows in risk of mastitis, using on farm culture system MicroMast (CZ) and the targeted antibiotic treatment with respect to consumption of to antimicrobials on the farm using milking robots