Colostrum management and calf care

ZÁBRANSKÝ, Luboš, BROŽ, Petr, ŠOCH, Miloslav, MALÁ, Gabriela and NOVÁK, Pavel. Colostrum management and calf care. Náš chov, 2021, vol. 81(Speciální příloha Jak na správný odchov telat), p. 10-13. ISSN .
Internal link21154.pdf

The study aims to emphasize the importance of care for the newborn calf, colostrum management in the period of dairy nutrition. To ensure adequate immunity, it is important that the calf drinks a sufficient amount of quality colostrum in time. The level of calf health is significantly affected by critical points of colostral management, namely the quality and volume of colostrum received and the time of the first connection. The basic methods for assessing the level of colostrum intake by calves include determining the content of total protein in the blood serum of calves aged 3 to 6 days after birth.