International Workshop on Nutritional Physiology

ČERMÁK, Ladislav., 2022 International Workshop on Nutritional Physiology. In Uspořádání workshopu. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., s. 2022-08-03. ISSN
CathegoryConference or workshop organization
Internal link22111.pdf

On August 3, 2022, an international workshop was successfully held at the Research Institute of Animal Production, v. v. i., under the auspices of the Department of Physiology of Nutrition and Production Quality. The main topic of the lectures was the study of substances contained in hemp seeds (Cannabis sativa) and the use of this plant in the food and feed industry. VÚŽV, v.v.i. cooperates for a long time to solve this issue with foreign partner institutions in Italy and Poland. The members of the Department of Physiology of Nutrition actively participated in the workshop, one of the total four lectures was presented by the guest of honor Davide Lanzoni, a postgraduate student from the University in Milan, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. His work deals with nutritional and functional aspects of alternative food components and feeds originating from hemp seeds. The study of cannabinoids in hemp seeds was addressed by T. Taubner’s lecture, Prof. Marian Czauderna from the Kielanowski Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences actively participated in the issue. The results were discussed with interest after the presentations. The workshop was supported by the research project Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic (MZE-RO0718).