Dairy forum 2017

KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Dairy forum 2017. Náš chov, 2017, vol. 77(6), p. 30-32. ISSN .
Internal link17055.pdf

Under the auspices of the German Farmers Association and the Union of Dairies, the eighth „Milk Forum“ took place in Berlin in March 2017, this time on „Changes in the Milk Sector“. The Ministers of Agriculture Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony, the president of the German Farmers‘ Association, speakers of dairy DMK I and other took part in the two-hour discussion. Attention was paid to an acceptable animal husbandry strategy for society, dairy development, contracts between suppliers and buyers of milk, dairy quality, and establishment of organization for sales promotion and other. The lecture „Production and quality of milk and dairy products“ informed about the basic indicators of cattle breeding in Austria, and it resulted, among other things, that 87% of the milk is obtained in mountain and heavier areas, with smaller herds of cows, higher labor consumption. Changes in my business were called another lecture on the development of a farm where 360 dairy cows now sell around 11,000 kilos of cow’s milk. Lecture Changes in the dairy market have provided listeners information on developments in the milk market in Germany in recent years. She also informed about the fact that the value of milk production declined between 2014 and 2016, but the organic milk share in consumption increased. In 2017 we can expect a more balanced and higher milk purchase price than in the previous two years. One of the conclusions of the forum is that it is time to draw and implement the right conclusions from the just-ended milk crisis.