Modern methods of silage and the use of silage in cattle feed rations

LOUČKA, Radko., 2022 Modern methods of silage and the use of silage in cattle feed rations. In Přednáška na semináři Liaven Manetech. Profipress: Zemědělec, s. . ISSN
Internal link22049.pdf

Ing. Radko Loučka, CSc., From the Research Institute of Animal Production, v. V. I., Summarized the history of silage and mentioned the products used in forage conservation. As part of a field experiment, VÚŽV tested several alfalfa preservatives, including the Laiven Fauna Silage inoculant from Manetech, in an amount of 5×107 CFU / g of product. Compared to other preparations, the inoculant, composed of five bacterial strains, showed the lowest Lactobacillus and Lactococcus strains (4.74) and the highest lactic acid content (3.86%). Ing. Loučka also highlighted the use of the wound gear technique. In combination with suitable preparations, this method seems to be ideal from the point of view of practice. He also recommended loading the silage tarpaulin using load bags filled with gravel.