Breeding for mastitis resistance

WOLFOVÁ, M., WOLF, J.. & ŠTÍPKOVÁ, M. Možnosti šlechtění na odolnost krav proti mastitidě. Náš chov, 2010, roč. 70, č. 5, s. 27-30.
WOLFOVÁ, Marie, WOLF, Jochen and ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava. Breeding for mastitis resistance. Náš chov, 2010, vol. 70(5), p. 27-30. ISSN 0027-8068.
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Genetic parameters for number of clinical mastitis (CM) cases per cow adjusted for a standardized lactation length of 305 days were estimated from data of 6242 Holstein cows with 9550 lactations. Single-trait and three-trait animal models were used including parity, herd × two-year period of calving and calving season as fixed effects and the additive genetic and permanent environmental effects of the cow and the residual effect as random effects. A heritability of 0.11 was estimated from both models and the genetic correlations of this trait with 305-d milk yield and lactation mean somatic cell score were 0.34 and 0.80, respectively.