Mastitis management on farm with automatic milking system

PRÁŠEK, J., NOVÁK, Pavel, SMOLA, J. a ILLEK, Josef., 2020 Mastitis management on farm with automatic milking system. In Aktuální otázky bioklimatologie zvířat 2020. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 82-85. ISSN 978-80-7403-240-0
CathegoryEntries in proceedings
Internal link20192.pdf

Although the robotic milking are becoming more and more popular way how to produce milk, not only advantages but even new challenges in the tnaintaning of the high level of the udder health brings daily reality in the field. One of them is possible higher risk of the new intramammary infection because of spreading of bacteria by the milking robot. The aim of the study is to evaluate the implementing o f the regular monitoring system including data analysis, culturing of cows in risk of mastitis using the MicroMast (CZ) on farm culture system and to propose the individual treatment protocol in relation to antimicrobials consumption on the farm.