New trends in pig breeding

VÁCLAVKOVÁ, E. & LUSTYKOVÁ, A. Nové trendy v chovu prasat. In Pořádání semináře. Kostelec n. Orlicí: VÚŽV v.v.i., 2013, s. .{INTLINK}
VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva a LUSTYKOVÁ, Alena., 2013 New trends in pig breeding. In Uspořádání semináře 7.3.2013. Kostelec n. Orlicí: VÚŽV v.v.i., s. . ISSN
CathegoryConference or workshop organization
Internal link13015.pdf

Seminar meeting New trends in pig breeding was focused on provision of new information to pig breeders. New results from nutrition, reproduction, management of pig breeding, information about meat quality and slaughter pig realisation were presented during the meeting. About 75 guests from the Czech Republic and also guests from Korea participates at the meeting.