New trends in beef cattle breeding

MALÁT, K., VESELÁ, Z., SVITÁKOVÁ, A. & VOSTRÝ, L. Novinky ve šlechtění masných plemen skotu. Náš chov, 2014, roč. 74, č. 1, s. 55-58.{INTLINK}
MALÁT, K., VESELÁ, Zdeňka, SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena and VOSTRÝ, Luboš. New trends in beef cattle breeding. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(1), p. 55-58. ISSN .
Internal link14028.pdf

In September 2013 the Czech Beef Breeders Association obtained the first international breeding values for Limousin and Charolais breeds. These breeding values are the result of intensive work of an international research team and Interbeef (International Beef Evaluation Service), which is one of the groups of international organizations ICAR.