A new way of processing corn improves the nutritional value of the chopped maize
Year | 2022 |
Cathegory | Conference or workshop organization |
Download | Nový způsob zpracování kukuřice zlepšuje nutriční hodnotu řezanky – Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i |
Internal link | 22019 |
Abstract | Corn silage is one of the most important ruminant feeds in the world, especially for dairy cows and cattle fattening. Factors that affect the quality parameters of corn silage include maize hybrid, environmental parameters (agronomic and weather), method and quality of harvest, silage production process and storage. In recent years, great emphasis has been placed on various harvesting systems that have undergone major changes and elements of innovation. The performed experiments confirmed the assumption that new technologies of processing corn into silage are able to provide maize cuttings with a higher nutritional value with better grain processing and rumen digestibility. |
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