Nucleolar transplantation in oocytes and zygotes: challenges for further research

FULKOVÁ, H. & FULKA, Jr., J. Nucleolar transplantation in oocytes and zygotes: challenges for further research. Molecular Human Reproduction, 2010, roč. 16, s. 63-67.
FULKA, Helena and FULKA, Josef Jr. Nucleolar transplantation in oocytes and zygotes: challenges for further research. Molecular Human Reproduction, 2010, 16, 63-67. ISSN 1360-9947.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
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In germinal vesicles of immature mammalian oocytes, including humans, as well as in pronuclei in 1-cell stage embryos, prominet nuclear organelles, nucleoli, can be easily detected even under a relatively low magnification. In the light of some recent experiments showing the feasibility of nucleolar manipulation we discuss here if these new approaches can be used to rescue those embryos with abnormal nucleolar pattern.