Nutritive value of forage of buckwheat and foxtail millet grown as intercrops
Year | 2024 |
Cathegory | Publication in specialized journals |
Internal link | 24154.pdf |
Abstract | Intercrops are currently increasingly important, especially for reducing erosion in the growing season, as a source of organic matter during plowing, and often as an interrupter in sowing procedures. An interesting, and certainly not entirely exceptional option, is also the use of fodder from intercrops for the production of feed for ruminants, especially as a supplement to crops such as maize or legumes. The aim of this study was to assess the quantitative and qualitative forage parameters of buckwheat and foxtail millet (which are among the most commonly grown intercrops) grown as intercrops. Forage was harvested for each crop at three growth stages. The yield of dry matter and crude protein (nitrogenous substances), chemical composition and digestibility of organic matter and neutral detergent fiber were determined. The average yields of dry matter were comparable for both crops, while the yield of crude protein was higher for buckwheat. The content of crude protein was significantly higher in buckwheat, on the contrary, the crude fiber content was higher in foxtail millet. The digestibility of organic matter was also slightly higher for buckwheat, on the other hand, foxtail millet excelled in significantly higher digestibility of neutral detergent fiber. |
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