Rearing of piglets without use of zinc oxide

WEISBAUEROVÁ, Eva and BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava. Rearing of piglets without use of zinc oxide. Náš chov, 2022, vol. 82(2), p. 55-56. ISSN .
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High level of pig performance have been achieved and maintained using antibiotic growth promoters and zinc oxide in piglets. Routine use of antibiotics has led to so-called antibiotic resistance in microorganisms. The feed industry was faced with the question of how to replace antibiotics. Subsequently, the consumption of zinc oxide, which was used as a preventive measure against diarrhoea in piglets, increased sharply. In June 2022, the use of therapeutic doses of zinc oxide (ZnO) in feeds for piglets will be banned. The article deals with possible substitutes of ZnO in pigs.