Optimizing Low-Cost Gas Analysis with a 3D Printed Column and MiCS-6814 Sensor for Volatile Compound Detection

SKOWRONKOVA, Nela, ADÁMEK, Martin, ZVONKOVÁ, Magdaléna, MATYÁŠ, Jiří, ADÁMKOVÁ, Anna, DLABAJA, Štěpán, BURAN, Martin, ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Veronika, MLČEK, Jiří, VOLEK, Zdeněk and CERNEKOVÁ, Martina. Optimizing Low-Cost Gas Analysis with a 3D Printed Column and MiCS-6814 Sensor for Volatile Compound Detection. Sensors, 2024, 24, Article Number: 6594. ISSN 1424-8220.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
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This paper explores an application of 3D printing technology on the food industry. Since its inception in the 1980s, 3D printing has experienced a huge rise in popularity. This study uses cost-effective, flexible, and sustainable components that enable specific features of certain gas chromatography. This study aims to optimize the process of gas detection using a 3D printed separation column and the MiCS-6814 sensor.