Sheep milk - a minor but interesting product

KUCHTÍK, J., ŠUSTOVÁ, K. & MILERSKI, M. Ovčí mléko - minoritní, ale zajímavý produkt. Výživa a potraviny, 2011, roč. 66, č. 2, s. 46-49.{INTLINK}
KUCHTÍK, J., ŠUSTOVÁ, K. and MILERSKI, Michal. Sheep milk - a minor but interesting product. Výživa a potraviny, 2011, vol. 66(2), p. 46-49. ISSN 1211-846X.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link11017.pdf

On the present the sheep is the second most widespread livestock in the world, however only 10 % of them is milked whilst the share of sheep milk on the total worldwide milk production is c. 1.3 %. The colour of sheep milk is white and its taste is slightly sweet. Sheep milk is more nutritious compared to cow or goat milk because is richer in protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamins, medium chain fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, linolenic acid, and all 10 essential amino acids. The most important health benefits of sheep milk consist in its low content of cholesterol and high contents of vitamins and minerals. According to a lot of studies the sheep milk has also higher content of CLA compared to cow, goat or human milk.