Verification of feed mixture with acorns for fattening pigs in farm conditions

VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Verification of feed mixture with acorns for fattening pigs in farm conditions. Authors: VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva.. . Poloprovoz POLOP/VÚŽV/01/2020. 2020-12-18.
CathegoryUtility patent, prototype, legal regulation, tecchnolgy
Internal link20207.pdf

The aim of the experiment was to verify the effect of the feed mixture for fattening pigs in farm conditions. As part of the verification, two feed mixtures containing 5% and 10% dried acorns were used. The experiment was realised in 2 stages, in each of which one of the mentioned mixtures was verified and compared with the results of the control group. In both experiments, the health status of the animals was monitored, the willingness to accept the experimental feed mixture was monitored, and the feed consumption was recorded. The slaughter of pigs was realised at the end of the experiment, the classification of carcases according SEUROP system by the ZP method and the sampling of muscle and back fat for laboratory analyzes were made.