The effect of preparation Biopolym on fermentation processes of red clover silages

KUBÁT, V., PETRÁŠKOVÁ, E., JANČÍK, F., ČERMÁK, B., HAISOVÁ, J., HOMOLKA, P. & LÁD, F. Ovlivnění fermentačních procesů jetelových siláží přípravkem Biopolym. In Jak dál ve výuce Výživa a krmení zvířat. Praha: ČZU, 2011, s. 131-137.{INTLINK}
KUBÁT, Václav, PETRÁŠKOVÁ, E., JANČÍK, Filip, ČERMÁK, B., HAISOVÁ, J., HOMOLKA, Petr a LÁD, F., 2011 The effect of preparation Biopolym on fermentation processes of red clover silages. In Jak dál ve výuce Výživa a krmení zvířat. Praha: ČZU, s. 131-137. ISSN
Internal link11007.pdf

The set of samples of red clover silages was divided into seven groups; each of them had 4 samples. First group of the samples was untreated (K); no preservations were used on these samples. Into the second group of the samples were included the silages treated with BIOSTABIL (BIOS) preparations. The dosage of BIOPOLYM was recommended 0,02 l BIOPOLYM + 2 l water. m-3 (1 : 100).The third group contained the silage samples treated with combination of BIOSTABIL and BIOPOLYM 1 : 100 (BIOS + B) preparations. The fourth group contained the silage samples treated with BIOPOLYM 1 : 50 (B 50), fifth group BIOPOLYM 1 : 100 (B 100), sixth group BIOPOLYM 1 : 200 (B 200) and seventh BIOPOLYM 1 : 500 (B 500).
It is possible to conclude that the group K and B 100 positively affect the quality of silage. High statistical significance (P < 0.01) was found for pH in group B 100 compared with BIOS and BIOS + B. The highest values of lactic acid showed both the groups K and B 100 (both in average 34.73 g . kg-1).