Pelvic suspension of cattle carcass halves -way how to increase beef tenderness

BUREŠ, Daniel and BARTOŇ, Luděk. Pelvic suspension of cattle carcass halves -way how to increase beef tenderness. Zpravodaj Českého svazu chovatelů masného skotu, 2019, vol. 26(4), p. 40-42. ISSN .
Internal link19226.pdf

The aim of the present study was to describe and evaluate the effect of different hanging method of beef carcass halves on meat quality. Three muscles from the hind quarters were collected from the both carcasses sides. Sensory analysis showed that the meat from pelvic-suspended sides received higher scores for tenderness, chewiness and overall acceptance than that from Achilles-suspended sides. This study clearly shows the benefits of pelvic suspension related to important meat quality characteristics.