Data collection system of cattle diseases and their treatment and its utilization in herd management

ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, STANĚK, Stanislav,, KAŠNÁ, Eva, ŠLOSÁRKOVÁ, Soňa, FLEISCHER, Petr, HŘEBEN, F a HÁJEK, Michal, 2016 Data collection system of cattle diseases and their treatment and its utilization in herd management. In Farmářský den, Velká Chyška. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 19-21. ISSN
Internal link16195.pdf

A good state of health of animals is condition of prospering farm of dairy cattle. The collection of data on diseases and treatment of cattle reduces the incidence of diseases, the consumption of medications and allows breeding for disease resistance. The universal electronic system (web interface) to register the animal health disorders and their treatment will allow to collect of data on diseases in the context of national performance recording of dairy cattle. It will also enable users, farmers, to keep records of cattle diseases and its medications.