Comparison of fermentation quality of maize silages in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

LOUČKA, R., HOMOLKA, P., KOUKOLOVÁ, V., RAJČÁKOVÁ, L. & MLYNÁR, R. Porovnání kvality fermentace a hodnocení kukuřičných siláží v Čechách a na Slovensku. In X. Kábrtovy dietetické dny . Brno: VFU, 2013, s. 83-88.{INTLINK}
LOUČKA, Radko, HOMOLKA, Petr, KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika, RAJČÁKOVÁ, L. a MLYNÁR, R., 2013 Comparison of fermentation quality of maize silages in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In X. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: VFU, s. 83-88. ISSN
Internal link13050.pdf

The objective of this work was to evaluate factors affecting the quality of maize silages stored in the database of the Czech Republic (CZ) and Slovakia (SK). The study included 245 analyses of maize silages from the CZ and 285 silages from the SK. Silages were evaluated according to year of harvest of maize (2010, 2011, 2012) and content of dry matter (DM) of silage (under 30%, 30-35%, 35-40% and over 40%). In general, indicators of quality of fermentation were not significant different among years, or between the CZ and SK. Exceptions were in silages with DM of under 30 % and over 40 %, which presented inferior results in lactic acid and butyric acid contents compared to other silages.