Disease prevention in cows during transition period

ILLEK, Josef a KUDRNA, Václav., 2016 Disease prevention in cows during transition period. In Farmářský den, Velká Chyška. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. 26-29. ISSN
Internal link16197.pdf

Every year, there is a growth of cattle herds with production during standardized lactation over 10000 lit of milk in Czech Republic. With the increasing production, a deterioration in fertility of cows, also more freguent distribution of metabolic failures and produce disease appear. Healt state of animals is influenced by many factors which have effects not only during parturition interval but also in early postnatal period. During parturition interval, nutritional requirements of cows differ. These requirements are addressed to ensure of suitable conditions for rumen fermentation, and sustenance of the optimal BCS.