Milk production issues at the Green Week fair in Berlin

KVAPILÍK, J. Problematika mléka na berlínském veletrhu Grüne Woche, 2010, 3 s.{INTLINK}
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Milk production issues at the Green Week fair in Berlin. Náš chov, 2010, vol. 70(3), p. 5-7. ISSN .
Internal link10222.pdf

The Green Week 2010 fair was positively appraised by a number of German politicians. Low satisfaction of farmers stems from low milk prices, objections to the EU agricultural policy and generally uncertain future prospects. Different presentations and discussions revealed a diversion from the former requirement for the full milk market liberalization, efforts towards the improvement of milk producer position within the milk market etc. The economic situation of Czech milk producers is worse compared to those from Germany. The solution requires active approach of both producers and relevant institutions.