Production in the world and in the EU without regulation

KVAPILÍK, J. Produkce ve světě a EU bez regulace. Zemědělec, 2015, roč. 23, č. 9, s. 14-17.{INTLINK}
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Production in the world and in the EU without regulation. Zemědělec, 2015, vol. 23(9), p. 14-17. ISSN .
Internal link15159.pdf

With the approaching date of the definitive abolition of the system of regulation of milk quotas in EU in 31. 3. 2015, increasing the number of analyzes of the situation of the agrarian sector and estimates of trends in production and prices of milk in EU in the next period. It is certain that the milk will be produced without quotas that the production and consumption will increase and the chance to succeed on the EU and world markets are all, therefore the Czech producers of milk. In 2013, global milk production amounted to 763,458 miles tons, accounted for most of the EU (19.9 %), India (18.4 %) and the USA (12.0 %). Since 1990, production increased by 57% and forecast to 2023 envisages an increase in world milk production by 180 thousand tons, at growth states of dairy cows by 16 % and higher average annual milk yield by 23 %. Since the restriction of exports to Russia decreased world average price of whole skimmed milk by 21% and between countries, there is considerable variability. In the EU, after the abolition of quotas foresees a decline in the numbers of dairy cows by 5-15%; increasing milk production of about 4 to 8%; increase milk yield per cow per year by 24% and reducing the purchase prices of milk by 4-8%. For the Czech Republic is expected reduction in the number of dairy cows by 20.8%, increase milk production by 2.6% and the purchase prices of milk by 7.3%. Among the advantages of domestic breeders include peak milk yield per cow, qualified management, the size of enterprises and herds and long experience in overcoming crises and critical situations in the farms. The main problems can be compared with most national union to permanently below average purchase price of milk.