Effects of natural substances to rumen fermentation ‘in vitro ’

JOCH, Miroslav, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva a KUDRNA, VÁCLAV., 2021 Effects of natural substances to rumen fermentation ‘in vitro ’. In Lazarové dni výživy a veterinárnej dietetiky XIV.. Košice: Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, s. 55-58. ISSN 978-80-8077-711-1
CathegoryEntries in proceedings
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The ability of natural substances to influence rumen fermentation, methane production, and rumen microbiome structure was investigated. All substances ušed proved the ability to affect rumen fermentation, however, just three among them (8-hydroxycholin, bomyl acetate, thymochinon) declined methane production without an undesirable decrease of volatile fatty acids production. Differences in the effects of single substances to rumen bacteria were found as well.