Diets based on rapeseed meal for rabbit does and fattening rabbits

VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Diets based on rapeseed meal for rabbit does and fattening rabbits. Authors: VOLEK, Zdeněk.. . Funkční vzorek FV/VÚŽV/02/2017. 2018-02-26.
CathegoryUtility patent, prototype, legal regulation, tecchnolgy
Internal link17034.pdf

The replacement of soybean meal by some alternative crude protein sources (home-grown) may be important for a greater self-sufficiency regarding the supply of protein to balance the diets of animals. Therefore, the functional sample represents the diets based on rapeseed meal and whole white lupine seeds instead of soybean meal.