Yearbook - cattle breeding in the Czech Republic 2023

SYRŮČEK, Jan, LIPOVSKÝ, David and SLÁDEK, Martin. Yearbook - cattle breeding in the Czech Republic 2023. Praha: Českomoravská společnost chovatelů, a. s. a další, 2024, 43 p. ISBN
No. of pages43
Internal link24094.pdf

The Cattle Breeding Yearbook provides an overview of the development and current situation in the cattle breeding sector, which has been an integral and very important part of the Czech agricultural sector for many years. In terms of the national economy, the year 2023 was characterised, among other things, by above-average inflation in the Czech Republic, which was also reflected in an increase in the prices of agricultural inputs, including cattle breeding. In addition to rising input prices, farmers have had to cope with fluctuations in farmgate prices over the long term. In particular, milk farmgate prices have shown considerable volatility over the years, causing considerable differences in the profitability of farmers. In 2023, the price of milk was on average lower compared to 2022. In contrast, production costs are likely to have increased due to rising input prices. Milk and beef are among the agricultural commodities in which the Czech Republic has long been self-sufficient. Exports of raw milk and live cattle are important. These two items usually have a significant positive balance (exports exceed imports). By contrast, the Czech Republic imports more dairy products and beef than it exports. When assessing the cattle sector in the Czech Republic in 2023, it is clear that there has been no major change in the numbers of the main cattle categories.