In vitro ruminal starch digestibility of maize silages

TOMÁNKOVÁ, O. Stravitelnost škrobu siláží kukuřice v bachoru – in vitro . Náš chov, 2011, roč. 71, č. 3, s. 48-51.{INTLINK}
TOMÁNKOVÁ, Olga In vitro ruminal starch digestibility of maize silages. Náš chov, 2011, vol. 71(3), p. 48-51. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link11014.pdf

The silages on maize basic are important sources of energy noted for their medium digestibility in the rumen. The in vitro method was used for determination of ruminal starch digestion of maize silages from whole plants (KS), maize cob silage prepared by ensiling of the cobs with bracts (LKS) and maize grain silages (CCM). These silages were compared with non-ensiled maize grain. The feeds differed in starch and dry matter contents. The in vitro estimated digestibility of starch differed significantly between the analyzed silages and non-ensiled maize grain. No significant were, however, detected between the different types of silages.