Housing Systems for Lactating Sows or From Crates to Alternatives: Permanent crate housing system Part 1

SEKYROVÁ, Veronika, ILLMANN, Gudrun and ŠÁROVÁ, Radka. Housing Systems for Lactating Sows or From Crates to Alternatives: Permanent crate housing system Part 1. Selská revue, 2024, vol. 2024(2), p. 133-135. ISSN .
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Permanent crate housing is a globally widespread trend in pig reproduction farms. Sows are confined in crates throughout the lactation period to prevent potential piglet mortality. The inability to move freely and interact with their litter impacts the expression of natural and maternal behaviors in sows. These restrictions can negatively affect welfare, thus it is advisable to accept alternative housing systems that are constructed to the natural behaviors of both sows and piglets.