Technological value and nutritional composition of quail eggs

STAROSTA, F. & HYÁNKOVÁ, L. Technologická hodnota a nutriční složení křepelčích vajec. Náš chov, 2012, roč. 72, č. 10, s. 35-36.{INTLINK}
STAROSTA, Filip and HYÁNKOVÁ, Ludmila. Technological value and nutritional composition of quail eggs. Náš chov, 2012, vol. 72(10), p. 35-36. ISSN 0027-8068.
Internal link12117.pdf

The technological quality and nutritional composition of eggs were analyzed in 2 lines of Japanese quail that have been long-term divergently selected for shape of the growth curve (the HG and LG lines). The results showed that the postnatal growth pattern affects above all technological quality and chemical composition of albumen. A relatively fast growth before onset of lay (typical for the HG) was associated with a lower albumen weight. This albumen contained the higher concentrations of dry matter and proteins which was expressed in higher values of Haugh units.