The effect of farrowing environment and previous experience on the maternal behaviour of sows in indoor pens and outdoor huts

WÜLBERS-MINDERMANN, M., BERG, C., ILLMANNOVÁ, G., BAULAIN, U. & ALGERS, B. The effect of farrowing environment and previous experience on the maternal behaviour of sows in indoor pens and outdoor huts. Animal, 2015, roč. 9, s. 669-676. {INTLINK}
WÜLBERS-MINDERMANN, M., BERG, C., ILLMANN, Gudrun, BAULAIN, U. and ALGERS, B. The effect of farrowing environment and previous experience on the maternal behaviour of sows in indoor pens and outdoor huts. Animal, 2015, 9, 669-676. ISSN 1751-7311.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
Internal link15035.pdf

Outdoor farrowing huts facilitate a less restricted maternal behaviour in sows compared with sows kept indoors in farrowing pens. The aim of our study was to investigate whether there are behavioural differences between primiparous sows kept outdoors in farrowing huts and indoors in pens, and whether the maternal behaviour during the second parity, when all sows were kept outdoors in farrowing huts, would differ between sows that have experienced the indoor or the outdoor environment, respectively, during their first parturition. A total of 26 Yorkshire×Swedish Landrace sows were studied. Of these, 11 sows were housed outdoors in farrowing huts during both parturitions (group=OUTOUT). The other 15 sows were kept indoors in a barn with single farrowing pens during their first parturition. During their second parturition, sows were kept outdoors in farrowing huts (group=INOUT). The behaviour was video recorded from 2 h prepartum to 48 h postpartum. The sows’ responsiveness to playbacks of a piglet’s screams was tested on days 2 to 3 postpartum. Parity 1: during the last 2 h prepartum, OUTOUT sows had a higher proportion of observations in the sternal lying position (P