The occurrence of crushed piglets and factors influencing it
Year | 2024 |
Cathegory | Others |
Internal link | 24122.pdf |
Abstract | Piglet crushing is a long-standing welfare and economic problem in piglet production. In the Czech pig breeding programme, the number of piglets born and weaned between 18 and 24 days after farrowing are monitored and the exact proportion of piglets lost by overlying is not known. Therefore, we analysed about 10.200 farm litter records from one herd between 2014-2023 to describe the piglet crushing occurrence in five pig breeds and examine the main factors influencing crushing variability. About 0.43 piglets per litter were overlayed (3.4 % from liveborn piglets on average), which represented more than one fifth of overall piglet loses until weaning. About 70 % of litters were without crushed piglets, in 9.5 % of litters more than one piglet was crushed. The main factors influencing crushing variability were analysed with Poisson regression GLM procedure in R. As the main factors were identified breed of the sow, environment expressed by herd-year-season, parity and litter size. Despite the usage of farrowing crates, piglet crushing is a great contributor to piglet loses until weaning across breeds. |
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