Milk production issues at 15th Milk Forum in Berlin

KVAPILÍK, J. Trh s mlékem v neklidných časech - mléčné fórum v Berlíně, 2010, 3 s.{INTLINK}
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Milk production issues at 15th Milk Forum in Berlin. Náš chov, 2010, vol. 70(5), p. 14-18. ISSN .
Internal link10046.pdf

Milk Forum was held in Berlin in September 2010 and was attended by approximately 600 participants from many countries. Presentations were focused on milk production and market in Europe, Milk production and processing in Germany, risk management of milk production, preparations for the cancellation of milk quota in 2015 etc. Discussions revealed difficult economic situation of milk producers in Germany and other countries, but also the political support and willingness of relevant national institutions to solve the problems.